Welcome to the KiwaniTalk Information Site

About KiwaniTalk

KiwaniTalk is a public information program produced by the Kiwanis Club of Dearborn. Every week KiwaniTalk is shown on Comcast Cable, channel 25, in Dearborn, Michigan, and in 28 other communities in the immediate area. The show is broadcast each week at 7:00 pm on Tuesday and 9:00 pm on Thursday.

April Shows

Ray Scoboria interviews members of the Dearborn Schools Robotics team. The team enters competitions, and each student has a role to play.

Gary Gardner interviews Judge Richard Wygonik of Michigan's 19th Circuit Court. Judge Wygonik gave an overview of the Michigan court system and described his duties on the bench.
Frank Bewick interviews Oakwood Healthcare, Inc. President & CEO, Jerry Fitzgerald. Oakwood employs nearly 10,000 people and has an operating budget in the vicinity of $1 billion. Mr. Fitzgerald supports establishment of "single responsibility" for a more workable distribution of health care costs.
Skip Armstrong interviews Kelle Sisung, Development Director of Friends For the Dearborn Animal Shelter, and four legged friend. Ms. Sisung is spearheading the drive for a new animal shelter facility in Dearborn. Kelle's companion was adopted from the shelter and won the affection of Skip and other Kiwanians.

Contact us

We would like to hear from you. Please e-mail us at letters@kiwanitalk.org.
Site sponsor: Strait City Trading Company, an internet store for braided stretch belts.